A Better Half

Director: Marco Calvani
Producers: Ben Arredondo, Marco Calvani, Terrence Meck, Marco Pigossi
USA, 2022, 18 min.
Texas Premiere

Incapable of intimacy and chronically depressed, a middle-aged man must come face to face with the person he feels is responsible for his troubled life.

A BETTER HALF has been named to numerous “Best Shorts of 2022” lists and has been seen at The Provincetown International Short Film Festival, among others.

Italian born, Marco Calvani is an award-winning writer and a director based in LA. Over the course of his twenty-year career as a theatremaker, he received commissions from the Phoenix Theatre of London, Kunsthaus Tacheles of Berlin, Théâtre de la Ville of Paris, and La MaMa Theatre of New York among others. His first short film THE VIEW FROM UP HERE stars Oscar winner Melissa Leo. He is currently post-producing his feature film debut BEST PLACE.

Writer: Marco Calvani
Principal Cast: Marisa Tomei, Darren Pettie, Chris Stack