The Companions (La CompaÑÍa)

Director: José María Flores
Producers: Héctor Ramos García, Alberto Sarmiento, Isabel Castro, Luisa Bellido
Spain, 2024, 12 min.
Texas Premiere

As a young couple walks down the street, they encounter a crowd gathered around a strange event.

THE COMPANIONS is José María Flores’ latest short film, which has already been seen at numerous festivals worldwide and was named Best Short Film at the Moscow International Film Festival.

José María Flores’ work has garnered him numerous international accolades, including a spot on Forbes’ 2022 list of the 5 most talented Spaniards globally, alongside luminaries like Almodóvar and Trueba. Flores has proven to be part of the new generation of creators making Spanish cinema more visible internationally.

Writer: Jose María Flores
Principle cast: Alberto Amarilla, Elisabeth Larena